Weekly Message 23 October 2022

As I get closer to the end of my official visits to clubs in Uganda, I want to assure you that nothing is so inspiring and enriching as the experiences I continue to enjoy during my club visits. The projects Rotarians and Rotaractors are implementing in various communities in our district may seem small, but they are life changing to the many people we reach.
I began last week’s visits with the Rotary Club of Muyenga. The Club partnered with Katalemwa Cheshire Home (KCH) on a two-year project (2015 -2017), aimed at supporting the home to build knowledge and training capacity in assembling orthopedic assistive devices. With support from the Rotary Club of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, KCH has developed a simplified wheelchair, designed to be manufactured in developing economies. The wheelchair provides all the functionality of a conventional chair. I had the honour of officially launching the manufacture of these cost-effective wheelchairs that will be easily accessed by many of our disabled brothers and sisters. At their club assembly, I welcomed yet another 9 new members to the Rotary family and also received USD 70,569 towards the Rotary Foundation. Kudos to RC Muyenga for the significant membership growth and TRF giving.
I was amazed by the outstanding job done by the Rotary Club of Kalisizo to transform the appearance of St. Lucia Junior School. The club has renovated classrooms and donated textbooks and desks to the school through their basic education and community development projects. They also drilled a borehole to supply water to the school and the surrounding community. The school was also equipped with an environmentally friendly kitchen and a VIP toilet to improve hygiene standards. These developments will enhance quality of education for the young people from the surrounding community, and also instill a sense of pride and passion for education. Every student deserves a dignified study environment, and I appreciate RC Kalisizo for extending this benefit to their communities.
I also had the opportunity to engage with Rotaractors in greater Masaka region and appreciate the different projects they are undertaking. At the Rotaract Club of Masaka, I learned about some of the community projects the Club has implemented over the past four years at Masaka Prisons. The club has donated educational materials to the prison’s education program, a 10,000-litre water tank and are currently building a VIP toilet. The waiting lobby they constructed is a humbling facility. Later, I joined Rotaract Clubs in greater Masaka region to donate mama kits to expectant mothers at Mitukula and also presided over the Charter of the Rotaract Club of Kyotera. I was very impressed by these transformative community projects our Rotaractors are implementing.
At the Rotary Club of Kyotera, I joined the club to hand over MCH equipment to Kasaali Health Center. Thanks to the partnership with the National Drug Authority (NDA) that enabled the purchase of this equipment that will contribute to improved quality of care at this facility. Later on, I travelled seventy-four (74) kilometers towards the Tanzania border to commission a UGX 257M Global Grant WASH project that will result in construction of boreholes and community toilets for nearly 1000 residents.
I concluded the eventful week at the Rotary Club of Akright City where I launched their signature project at Sissa Health Center and also visited the mission green project implemented in partnership with Palm Valley Golf Course. I also recognize the 20 PHFs from this club that was chartered this year in June 2022.
Allow me to share an extract from the inspiring story THE MOUSE TRAP, A TALE OF HELPING OTHERS:
“We often hear of someone who is trouble, but if it doesn’t directly affect us, we may decide not to lend a hand. Life, however, is a journey, major part of which requires mutual responsibility, and when the weaker person in society is in peril, we should all feel threatened. If we help each other, we will be stronger, but if we think of ourselves, we end up hurting everyone”.
Thank you, Rotarians, and Rotaractors for exhibiting mutual responsibility by helping so many needy communities.
Peace Taremwa
District Governor 2022 -2023